It has probably been a long time since your poop was outside of a toilet. I don’t like to make assumptions, but most of my audience is adults, and this feels like a safe one.
So it’s only natural if you, like so many pregnant women before you, are worried about pooping during childbirth.
There are husbands, mothers, girlfriends, and strangers in the room, during the average hospital birth. It’s already more people looking at our vulva and vagina than most of us are used to. We call them private parts for a reason, after all.
Add to that the possibility that we might poop during pushing? It’s all just a bit much, and lots of our clients at DC Metro Maternity ask us what they can do about it.
Often, when clients present me with a fear, I reassure them of all the ways that they can prevent it, how their loved ones an doulas will be there through it, and how the doctors, midwives and nurses can keep them safe.
On this one, though? I just have to give a reality check.
Pooping in childbirth is common. It could happen to you.
Take a breath. Sit with that. Now stay with me.
The doula in me wants you to know that pooping during childbirth is okay.
During our childbirth education classes, we talk about how feeling like you have to poop during labor often means that the baby’s head is putting pressure where it needs to. Sometimes that feeling isn’t poop at all. It’s your child.
Plus, if you do actually need to move your bowels, and you get up and do so, or it comes out while you’re pushing during labor, that means your pelvic floor is doing good work! If it happens while you push, that means you’re using good muscles!
And finally, those of us in the room who are used to seeing births, are used to seeing poop. Yours is probably perfectly normal. And in the hospital, nurses are often like the ninjas of poop. It’s gone before you even realize what happened!
The feminist in me also wants to reassure you, that you are doing a beautiful thing. When you’re making a miracle, sometimes things get a little messy.
That’s nothing to be ashamed of! No part of your body is bad or wrong… Even your poop. You do you, you pregnant (soon to be not so pregnant) goddess. Here is your crown of flowers and a trophy.
But the woman in me, who tries to be a classy lady, at LEAST when it comes to bathroom habits, understands that maybe nothing I’ve said has reassured you. Maybe you just want it to go away.
So let’s make a deal:
As your doulas, we at DC Metro Maternity promise never to focus on you pooping during childbirth, if it happens.
We will never call attention to it. We’ll let you keep your dignity, your boss status and any overall feelings pride that mean you only poop in the toilet.
In fact, we can make a pact never to speak of this. We’ll let your partner in on this deal too. If you ever ask us about it, our answer will be something like this:
“Pooping during childbirth? Who you? What poop? Oh look! What a gorgeous baby! Are you so into being new parents?! You all are amazing!”
Because of all the things to remember about your baby’s birthday, poop doesn’t have to be one of them.
Learn more about our labor support here, we want to be there through every step.