As we continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19, and take steps to move towards a new normal, we want to make sure that we’re doing so in as healthy a fashion as possible. Being doulas gives us access to awesome professionals like Dr. Bryant Harris, owner of Tru Centered Chiropractic Care, in Annapolis, MD. We asked Dr. Harris how we can prepare our bodies to stay healthy. Here’s his advice on building a strong immune system.

What’s the importance of our immune system, when thinking about illnesses like COVID-19, or the regular cold and flu?

For most people, they understand that they have an immune system but they most likely forgot how it works.

Well…the immune system is a host defense system that aids us against contracting diseases.

When your immune system is functioning optimally, it can detect a wide variety of pathogens (think viruses, bacteria, parasites, worms, etc…) and makes the determination whether it is a foreign invader or if it’s your own healthy tissue. 

How does the immune system know if it is a foreign invader or healthy tissue?

If you didn’t know, your body is genius!

Your immune system is broken down into two (2) parts: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. 

But, why?

Well, this layered defense system so it can increases specificity in how your body is able to respond.

Essentially, there are physical barriers in place to prevent pathogens from entering an organism (aka. you).  Now…if one of these pathogens manages to breach that barrier, that is when your innate immune system steps in and initiates an immediate, but non-specific response. 

For instance, if you get a cut or injure yourself, this is when your innate immunological response is activated and defends areas of the body that are common routes for infection (lungs, mouth, skin, etc.)

Its primary job is to try and isolate and subsequently contain a potential infection and gather information regarding this infectious agent to provide to our adaptive immune system.

In the event that this pathogen manages to evade the innate immunological response; no worries, the adaptive immune system to the rescue. 

Given the innate immune response was able to give the adaptive immune system a heads up, it is able to form a highly specific immunological response – the creation of antibodies designed to demolish and clear out said pathogen. 

The amazing this about the adaptive immune response is that it’s response is remembered and committed to memory after the pathogen has been eliminated.  So…in the even that you come across that pathogen again, your immune system can mount a faster and stronger attack. 

See…I told you your body was genius!

Now, you may be wondering if everyone has the same systems in place then why do some people suffer worse than others…

Remember what I said at the beginning, the immune system is a “host” defense system.  So…the strength of your immune system is dependent on the strength (aka. health) of your the host (aka. you). 

Well…how do I strengthen my immune system?

What are the top things we should do to improve our immune system?

*Caveat: Due to the novelty of COVID-19, no peer-reviewed research has been published regarding the effectiveness of dietary or lifestyle modifications for its prevention and/or treatment. 


When you sleep, your body is capable of restoring and healing itself thus supports our immune system.  So, if you do not get enough sleep, optimal immune function is basically unattainable. Get into a good routine – minimize the amount of blue light before bed (screentime), make sure the room is cool, quiet and dark, and keep a consistent bedtime.  You should aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleeps per night. 


Exercising at moderate exertion levels for 30-45 minutes can help boost your immune system.  It does so by increasing white blood cells and antibodies, increasing circulation, and minimizing your perceived stress levels.


Elevated levels of stress can negatively impact your immune systems, thus making your mores susceptible to getting sick. Turn off social media, the TV, and most media outlets and take the time to learn meditation, journal, garden, practice yoga, take a hot bath, practice deep breathing, and do them regularly. 


Humans were not designed to live in isolation and be socially distant. Being in contact with those you love is essential for one’s mental and emotion health.  Take advantage of FaceTime, Zoom, Houseparty, or Google Hangouts – have a virtual happy hour or dinner party. 


Put down the refined carbs and processed foods and pick up some brightly colored vegetables and fruits. Eat plenty of real food and don’t forget about your fermented vegetables or other probiotic-containing foods – good gut health is critical (the majority of your immune system lives in your gut!)

I know what you might be thinking… “Aren’t there any supplements I can take?”

Yes…but it is best to try and get your nutrients from real food versus taking a handful of supplements.  If you do insist on taking supplements, here is a list that can potentially boost immune function and provide symptom relief/shorten the duration of the illness.

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Garlic
  • Probiotic

Now, before you go and run and buy all the supplements listed above, I have to warn you all supplements are not created equal – quality and dosage matters!  Be wary of buying supplements from 3rd parties on Amazon for you don’t know if you are actually receiving the actually supplement you requested. 

Dr. Harris’ advice is useful now, and at any time when we’re looking to strengthen our bodies’ defense mechanisms. So get rest, reduce stress and take care of yourself! If you’re looking for a chiropractor who specializes in preconception, pregnancy & newborns, we highly recommend Dr. Harris.