by Samantha Olivia | Dec 26, 2019 | Birth & Labor Doula Tips, Newborn Care & Postpartum Doula Tips
Our birth clients typically come to us with some idea of how they want labor to go, and writing that part of the birth plan is pretty intuitive. But when we first ask them how they feel about the typical newborn procedures at their hospital, we sometimes get a deer in...
by Samantha Olivia | Dec 23, 2019 | Birth & Labor Doula Tips, Healthy Pregnancy, Motherhood & Life
“Dance it out!” is a saying for a reason- dancing brings us joy. And during pregnancy and the postpartum period, dancing can do SO much for us. As a self-care tip, and a tool for healthy pregnancy and recovery after birth, it’s definitely underrated. Now, I’m...
by Samantha Olivia | Dec 12, 2019 | Birth & Labor Doula Tips
“I’d really like to have a natural birth, if possible.” “I just want to labor at home as long as I can.” “I heard pitocin make contractions so painful! I want to avoid that.” “I want my baby to finish cooking, and my body to do this on its own.” As doulas,...
by Samantha Olivia | Dec 10, 2019 | Birth & Labor Doula Tips
Knowledge is power, right? So why would our labor and delivery experience be any different? Enter childbirth education class! Even if your sex education class was 25 years ago, or left our birth completely, we’ve got you. Giving birth doesn’t have to...
by Samantha Olivia | Nov 19, 2019 | Birth & Labor Doula Tips
You’ve spent months of pregnancy growing your baby. You can feel her sitting on your bladder, taking up the space where your lungs used to be. You’re ready to meet her, and you want to be sure that you don’t have a baby in the car. So how will you know...
by Samantha Olivia | Aug 20, 2019 | Birth & Labor Doula Tips, Fourth Trimester and Postpartum Doula Tips, Healthy Pregnancy, Motherhood & Life
You had a plan for how motherhood would go. And you’ve followed it. You went to college, got a good job and became independent enough to stand on your own two feet. You have friends who are loving and kind. You even found a partner, or put everything in place to live...