Howard County General Hospital is located at 5755 Cedar Ln, Columbia, MD 21044.

What providers support deliveries at Howard County General Hospital?

OBGYNs, maternal and child nurses, midwives, anesthesiologists, as well as lactation consultants are all available to you at Howard County.

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Howard County?

Due to COVID-19 all in person events are cancelled. You can register for a virtual tour with a nurse to experience the birthing center.

What options are available during birth at Howard County?

Howard County will ensure a safe and peaceful stay in the labor and recovery rooms as well as skin to skin contact directly after birth.

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating prior to arriving at the hospital, and talking to your provider about what they recommend while you’re in labor. Generally, you can expect to be offered a clear liquid diet, that includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale.

How many people can be with me in labor?

One support person can accompany you during labor.

What are my options for cesarean birth?

The Birthing Center has two state-of-the-art, fully equipped operating rooms and a pediatrician is present at all C-sections. One support person can accompany you in the operating room during surgical delivery.

Is there a lactation consultant at Howard County General Hospital?

Howard County General Hospital is equipped with maternal and child nurses trained to assist with breastfeeding. Lactation consultants available to you and your baby.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Howard County General Hospital?

As of November 10, 2020 these are the COVID-19 precautions Howard County General Hospital is implementing:

  • Due to the potential for asymptomatic women in labor to be COVID-19-positive, each woman who is admitted for delivery will receive a rapid COVID-19 test.
    • The care team will follow our COVID-19 protocol and will resume non-COVID-19 guidelines if the test comes back negative.
    • Failure to identify COVID-19 in asymptomatic women in labor presents a high risk for transmitting the virus to others, including the newborn baby.

Can I have a doula at Howard County?

One designated visitor is allowed for labor patients whether its a doula or your own support person. No re-entry is allowed and that visitor must wear a mask and be screened for COVID-19.

While exploring which hospital best suits you, be sure to check out our labor doula services as well as our childbirth education classes