INOVA Alexandria Hospital is located at 4320 Seminary Rd, Alexandria, VA 22304. The labor and delivery unit is on the 2nd floor- during the day you’ll enter through the visitor’s entrance and security will direct you to the elevators. 

What providers support deliveries at INOVA Alexandria?

Both OBGYNs and midwives support deliveries at the hospital. You can find a list of providers here.

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at INOVA Alexandria? 

INOVA offers tours that can be scheduled here. You might also find this brochure about giving birth at the hospital helpful.

Currently due to COVID-19 precautions there are no tours available. You can take one of DC Metro Maternity’s online classes, and we will tell you more about giving birth at INOVA Alexandria. 

If you are planning to give birth at INOVA, we recommend pre-registering here.

What are my options during labor at  INOVA Alexandria? 

During labor, you have several options- you may move freely, use a birth ball or peanut ball, or the shower. If you would like to use medical pain relief, you may have an epidural or IV pain medication. You also have access to nitrous oxide for pain relief, an unusual option in the DC metro area that might appeal to you. 

Can I eat during labor?

We always recommend eating a good meal prior to going to the hospital in labor. Discuss this with your provider ahead of time. You may be offered a clear liquid diet, which includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale. 

How many people can be with me in labor? 

Typically, you can have several visitors- a support person and up to five family members and friends- with you during labor. *However, restrictions have been put in place due to coronavirus precautions, and currently only one visitor is able to support a patient in labor. 

What are my options for a cesarean birth at  INOVA Alexandria?

During a cesarean birth, you may have a support person with you in the operating room, and can expect the nurse with you during labor to accompany you to the OR. You may also ask about skin to skin and breastfeeding as soon as possible.

Is there a lactation consultant at  INOVA Alexandria?

There are certified lactation consultants (IBCLCs) available at INOVA Alexandria, as well as a daily breastfeeding class, and an outpatient clinic available to support breastfeeding. 

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at  INOVA Alexandria?

As of writing on October 30, 2020, you can expect the following precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic: 

  • During check-in, there will be screening questions, and you can expect a visitor with symptoms of coronavirus not to enter.

Can I have a doula at INOVA Alexandria Hospital?

  • A support person is able to have 24/7 visitation on Postpartum and labor and delivery. It must be the same person for the duration of your hospital stay. Children will not be able to visit.
  • Doulas will be permitted during the delivery phase of hospitalization, in addition to the support person, if the patient is COVID-19 negative.
  • During antenatal testing, only patients will be allowed to enter the exam room. The accompanying support person should remain in his car/outside the hospital. The doctor will call the support person to confer any necessary information.

If you have further questions about having a baby at INOVA Alexandria, you can call the navigator at 703-504-6606 or ask your doula. We’ll be happy to help you find the answers.