Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center is located at 9000 Franklin Square Dr, Baltimore, MD 21237.

What providers support deliveries at Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center?

OBGYNs, sub-specialists in Maternal Fetal Medicine, certified nurse midwives, certified women’s health nurse practitioners, registered ultrasound technologists, genetic counselors, social workers, and registered nurses are all offered at Franklin Square Medical Center.

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Franklin Square?

Due to COVID-19 all in person events are cancelled, you can watch a birth place tour presentation to get to know the hospital better.

What options are available during birth at Franklin Square?

Franklin Square offers private labor and delivery suites for all patients as well as ensuring skin to skin contact directly after the birth of your child.

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating prior to arriving at the hospital, and talking to your provider about what they recommend while you’re in labor. Generally, you can expect to be offered a clear liquid diet, that includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale.

How many people can be with me in labor?

Due to COVID-19 visitation is limited but they allow two visitors to be able to support you in your labor.

What are my options for cesarean birth?

One person is allowed in the operating room during a cecarean section.

Is there a lactation consultant at Franklin Square?

There are lactation consultants offered. They also offer a Lactation Resource Center which includes support from lactation consultants 7 days a week to assist you.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center?

As of November 10, 2020 these are the COVID-19 precautions Medstar Franklin Square is implementing:

 All potential visitors will be screened for symptoms or recent diagnosis of COVID-19.

  • Any approved visitors must check-in at the front desk and wear a face mask throughout the duration of their visit.
  • All approved visitors must follow proper infection prevention practices, including masking, hand washing/sanitizing, and physical distancing.

Can I have a doula at Franklin Square?

Patients on Labor and Delivery may have TWO approved visitors for your stay, one of which may be a doula. No visiting hour restrictions. Antepartum/postpartum patients may have one approved visitor/support person who may leave and re-enter the designated area once per day.

While exploring different hospitals for you and your family be sure to take a look at our childbirth classes to prepare you for birth.