Mercy Hospital is located at 345 St Paul Pl, Baltimore, MD 21202.

What providers support deliveries at Mercy Medical Center?

Mercy Hospital offers obstetricians, nursing support technicians, patient services representatives, certified lactation consultants, social workers and pediatric nurse practitioners to assist you during your stay

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Mercy Medical Center?

In person tours are currently not taking place but you are able to view the photo gallery online to take a look at the hospital. 

What options are available during birth at Mercy Medical Center?

Mercy Hospital offers soaking tubs, birthing balls and chairs, and other equipment designed to facilitate your birth.

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating prior to arriving at the hospital, and talking to your provider about what they recommend while you’re in labor. Generally, you can expect to be offered a clear liquid diet, that includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale.

How many people can be with me in labor?

Due to COVID-19 visitor restrictions limit the policy to one support person to be allowed with you in labor.

What are my options for cesarean birth?

One visitor is allowed to accompany you in the operating room during a c-section.

Is there a lactation consultant at Mercy?

There are certified lactation consultants available to you during your stay. You also will be able to call the Breastfeeding warm line:  (410)332-9060 to get information for breastfeeding while at home.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Mercy Medical Center?

As of November 5, 2020 these are the COVID-19 precautions Mercy Medical Center is implementing:

Visitor policies have been limited due to COVID-19. You will also be screened for COVID-19 upon arrival and you will be expected to wear a mask for the duration of your stay. You will also be required to following social distance guidelines.

Can I have a doula at Mercy Medical Center?

One visitor, which may include the father of the baby, immediate relative or a professional support person or postpartum helper of a patient are allowed to accompany the mother for the Labor & Delivery and Postpartum Units.

While exploring different hospitals for your birth take a look at our Attain course designed specifically for pregnant black women!