Saint Agnes Hospital Center is located at 900 S Caton Ave, Baltimore, MD 21229.

What providers support deliveries at Saint Agnes Hospital Center?

OBGYNs, nurses, specialists, neonatal medical professionals, and lactation consultants are all available to you at Saint Agnes Hospital.

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Saint Agnes Hospital?

Due to COVID-19 in person events are cancelled, you can register for a virtual tour to get to know the hospital better.

What options are available during birth at Saint Agnes Hospital?

Specialized equipment including birthing balls, aromatherapy, and private whirlpools are all available to you as options for birth.

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating prior to arriving at the hospital, and talking to your provider about what they recommend while you’re in labor. Generally, you can expect to be offered a clear liquid diet, that includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale.

How many people can be with me in labor?

One visitor is allowed to be with you during labor due to COVID-19 restrictions.

What are my options for cesarean birth?

One visitor is allowed in the operating room during a cesarean section.

Is there a lactation consultant at Saint Agnes Hospital?

There are lactation consulatnts available to you and your baby as well as support groups and classes made to help ease any concerns from breastfeeding. They also offer breast pumps for rent or purchase.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Saint Agnes Hospital?

As of November 10, 2020 these are the COVID-19 precautions Saint Agnes Hospital is implementing:

Screening for all patients and visitors is required upon entry, as well as mask wearing and following social distancing guidelines. Visitor restrictions are also set into place.

Can I have a doula at Saint Agnes Hospital?

One visitor inclusive of a professional support person or postpartum helper of a patient in the labor & delivery and postpartum units.

While exploring which hospital best suits you and your family be sure to check out our labor doula services as well as our childbirth education classes