Shady Grove Adventist Hospital is located at 9901 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850. The Birth Center is located on the third floor (if you’re in labor or it’s past 8 p.m., park in the Emergency Department parking lot and enter through the Emergency Department entrance. If you have a scheduled induction or cesarean birth park in the Visitor’s Parking Lot at the front and enter through the main entrance.)

You may also have the choice of giving birth at White Oak Medical Center Birth Center- enter through the Main Lobby and go to the front desk, an employee will escort you to Labor & Delivery.

What providers support deliveries at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital?

At Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, during birth there are OB/GYNs and certified nurse-midwifes available. 

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital?

Yes, typically the hospital does offer tours, but due to COVID-19, in-person events are currently suspended. You can view the virtual tour here

Childbirth classes are also online due to COVID- 19 and you can find the info on the classes here. You can also take classes with DC Metro Maternity and learn from doulas experienced at this hospital.
It’s recommended that you pre-register for your visit to get the paperwork and any other needed information out of the way. You can pre-register here.

What options are available during birth at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital?

Your options during labor include breathing techniques, labor tubs of warm water, pain medicines, epidural and spinal anesthesia. For your comfort, you are also able to bring a birthing ball or a peanut ball. 

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating prior to arriving, and talking to your provider about what they recommend while you’re in labor. Generally, you can expect to be offered a clear liquid diet, that includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale.

How many people can be with me in labor?

Due to COVID- 19 only one person is allowed to stay in the room with you. 

What are my options for cesarean birth?

One support person will be able to stay in the OR with you during a c-section. You’ll have the option of a clear drape (instead of the typical sold-colored drape) or a lower drape so you can see your baby being born. If possible, skin to skin contact is allowed with your baby right after birth.

Is there a lactation consultant at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital?

Yes there are Certified Lactation Consultants available to you after birth. There are also breastfeeding classes and groups offered at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, you can find more support and info here.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital?

As of October 30, 2020 This hospital is taking the following COVID- 19 precautions:

  • Visitor restrictions
  • Screening of patients and staff for symptoms related to COVID-19
  • Safe patient pathways
  • Social distancing
  • Fewer people in waiting rooms
  • Use of face masks
  • Performing additional training and exercises to help our caregivers safely and efficiently take care of patients
  • Additional beds and isolation areas across our hospitals, including at the Adventist HealthCare Takoma Park campus and the modular ICU units at Fort Washington Medical Center

Can I have a doula at Shady Grove Adventist?

  • One visitor is allowed for labor & delivery patients during the length of stay, this visitor will be screened for COVID -19, they also will not be able to come and go during their stay at the hospital.

As you find yourself exploring different hospitals for your birth take a look at our Attain course designed specifically for pregnant black women!