Sibley Memorial Hospital is located at 5255 Loughboro Rd NW, Washington, DC 20016. The labor and delivery unit is on two floors of the new tower.

What providers support deliveries at Sibley?

There are several OBGYN practices that attend delivery at Sibley, and you can find a comprehensive list here.

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Sibley? 

You can register for a prenatal tour of the hospital here. Due to safety precautions there are currently no in person tours , but a virtual tour is available here. 

You can also pre-register for your labor by completing a form at your provider’s office, during the prenatal tour or on this page.

Childbirth education classes will not take place in person. Register for our live online classes, and we can share more about birthing at this hospital. 

What are my options during labor at Sibley? 

You have the option of moving throughout a spacious hospital room at Sibley, and can use a birth ball or peanut ball, as well as a shower. For pain relief, epidurals and IV pain medication is available.  

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating well prior to arriving at the hospital for your birth. Talk to your OBGYN about eating during labor. You’re likely to be offered a clear liquid diet including things like broth, ginger ale, and popsicles. 

How many people can be with me in labor? 

While the private rooms allow for family and support persons to attend, currently COVID-19 has limited visitors. See below for guidelines.

What are my options for cesarean birth?

Sibley is supportive of families with high-risk pregnancies, and cesareans are common at this hospital. You can request a family-centered cesarean and should talk to your provider about listening to music, skin to skin, breastfeeding support. Generally, a support person can accompany you to the operating room, but COVID-19 has required policy changes. See below for updates.  

Is there a lactation consultant at Sibley?

There is support for breastfeeding at Sibley, including access to lactation consultants and breastfeeding educators. Currently, the breastfeeding support groups are out of session due to COVID-19.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Sibley?

As of writing on October 30, 2020, you can expect the following precautions due to the COVID19 pandemic: 

  • Visitors to the maternity floor will be expected to wear a mask. 
  • Visitors that are suspected to be positive for COVID-19, your visitor must leave the hospital, and will not be able to return if you test positive. If you are negative for COVID-19, your visitor may return. 
  • If testing positive for COVID-19, Sibley is following the CDC guidelines to separate parents and infants. 

Can I have a doula at Sibley Memorial Hospital?

  • They are allowing one visitor for obstetric patients during your stay in the hospital for labor and delivery, and your postpartum period. Visitors may not alternate, and if a visitor leaves the hospital, they will not be able to re-enter.
  •  If you are having a cesarean delivery, your one care partner is allowed in the operating room.

If you have further questions about having a baby at Sibley, you can talk to your doula. We’ll be happy to help you find the answers.