Sinai Hospital is located at 2401 W Belvedere Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215.

What providers support deliveries at Sinai Hospital?

Sinai Hospital offers OBGYNs, midwives, board-certified maternal-fetal medicine specialists, genetic counselors, a diabetes educator and lactation consultants to their labor and delivery patients.

Can I take a tour of labor and delivery at Sinai?

Due to COVID-19 no in person events are taking place, you can view the birth place photo gallery to get a closer look at this Hospital.

What options are available during birth at Sinai Hospital?

Sinai ensures a smooth labor and delivery for all of their patients with private labor, delivery, and recovery rooms.

Can I eat during labor?

We recommend eating prior to arriving at the hospital, and talking to your provider about what they recommend while you’re in labor. Generally, you will be expected to be offered a clear liquid diet, that includes things like broth, jello, popsicles and ginger ale.

How many people can be with me in labor?

Due to COVID-19 they are allowing one visitor in the hospital during your labor.

What are my options for cesarean birth?

One support person is able to support you during a cesarean birth.

Is there a lactation consultant at Sinai?

There are board certified lactation consultants at Sinai Hospital. They also provide a Lactation Resource Center that offers support services to you and your baby.

How has COVID19 affected the hospital policies at Sinai Hospital?

As of November 10, 2020 these are the COVID-19 precautions Sinai Hospital is implementing: 

At Sinai, visitors will be screened for COVID-19 and asked to wear an approved face mask. They will also require you to follow social distance guidelines. Visitor guidelines have a limit of one visitor.

Can I have a doula at Sinai?

One support person is able to visit while you are in labor, that person may be switched out by calendar day.

While exploring different hospitals for you and your family be sure to take a look at our childbirth education classes to prepare you for your birth.