We talk to all of our clients, at DC Metro Maternity, about their postpartum plan.

More than likely, they’ll get lots of advice about birth plans. From childbirth education, to mommy groups, to friends and family, everyone will give them suggestions on how to plan their birth.


But who’s letting them know about decisions to be made after the baby has arrived? Who is telling them that there are choices to get out of the way, before the fog of life with a newborn takes over?

Their doulas are. That’s who.

And while the things to consider get specific (set up a consult to learn more about our planning process), the decisions to be made can be pretty simple.


Just ask yourselves four questions:

  • Who?

  • What?

  • How?

  • Why?

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For every decision, these are the questions that matter to us. All of our decisions fall into these categories.


When you’re thinking about life with a newborn for instance, one set of questions probably stands out to you, as most important:

  • Who will we let visit us when the baby is brand-new? Who will our pediatrician be?

  • What kind of diapers will we use? What needs to get done, to finish the nursery?

  • How are we going to implement our feeding plan? How can we both bond with our baby?

  • Why do they offer Hepatitis B vaccines so soon after birth? Why do we need to track the wet and poopy diapers?


If you’re people focused, and thinking about the who of it all, you’re not likely to understand a loved one, or your partner, constantly asking why.

If you just want the things to get done, and you’re asking what, then the details of how can seem maddening.


This isn’t such a big deal on a regular day. You choose the people you want around, when it’s time to care for a baby, because you trust them. 

But when everyone is short on sleep, trying to keep a tiny, precious human alive, these questions, and trying to translate them in ways that make sense to each other, get difficult. Sometimes making decisions can make you forget that you’re on a team with your family.


This might be the person you chose to make a baby with, but what the hell are they even talking about? What part of the postpartum plan is THIS?


If we take a step back though, we see that all of the ways that decisions are made, are important. Look at how comprehensive that list is, when you add up all those questions! This is why so many people choose partners that balance them out.


And as postpartum and infant care doulas, we speak all of these languages, and we’re prepared to answer any of these questions. We help you keep your team solid, even when its newest member is wreaking havoc.


So talk to us about your postpartum plan. Sign up below, to get one that our clients use! And if you haven’t made one, start asking some questions.

Postpartum plan questions pin